
WebApp based easy-to-use 32 keypoints pose estimation on webcam feed or local video file in Real-Time!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Easy to use 32 keypoints pose estimation on video feed or local video file in Python!

Below are instructions to implement in in your local system using a separate development environment using the Conda package management system which comes bundled with the Anaconda Python distribution provided by Continuum Analytics.

Step 1:

Fork and clone a copy of this repository on to your local machine.

Step 2:

Create a conda environment called pose-estimation and install all the necessary dependencies, the environment.yml file is uploaded in the repo for ease:

$ conda env create --file environment.yml

Step 3:

Install the extra dependencies required to run the webapp smoother:

$ pip install watchdog

Step 4:

Activate the pose-estimation environment:

$ source activate pose-estimation

To confirm that everything has installed correctly, type

$ which pip

at the terminal prompt. You should see something like the following:

$ ~/anaconda/envs/pose-estimation/bin/pip

which indicates that you are using the version of pip that is installed inside the pose-estimation Conda environment and not the system-wide version of pip that you would normally use to install Python packages.

Step 5:

Change into your local copy of the this repo:

$ cd Pose-Estimation-with-MediaPipe

Step 6:

Run the webapp:

$ streamlit run main.py

Dance Demo Score

Inspired by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06TE_U21FK4&ab_channel=NicholasRenotte