
Java CLI App For canteenManagementSystem

Primary LanguageJava


Java Cli project build using mvn,JDBC & Mysql database.


Parpose of the project is to build CLI for Vender & Customer where customer can buy the food item and at any quentity if food item.

As a customer,

  • can view personal and wallet details
  • can order food items * can check the history of ordered food items

As a Food Vendor,

  • can view and update (accept/deny) the ordered food items status

Customer Login:

  • Shows list of available food items (menu) details.
  • Shows personal and Wallet details.
  • Customer can order food.
  • The order will be accepted only,when the customer had enough money for the ordered food in His/her wallet.
  • can check the status of their delivery.
  • can check their order history.

Food Vendor :

  • Customer can view his personal detail and order history. * can view the order request from customers. * can accept or deny the entire order.
  • customer details (custId, custName, etc..) are stored along with their wallet balance.
  • Customer can place their order in this portal. These orders go to the food vendor.
  • Food Vendor can accept/deny the order with proper comments.
  • Wallet balance should not go negative.
  • Customer can view their order status.

Application flow

The skeletal application contains a simple screen with list of food items (Menu).

  • The "place order" button is the default button (i.e., pressing "Place order" invokes the login function).
  • Customer should enter his customer id will take the customer to "place the order screen" along with the food id he selected.
  • Customer should enter the item id and quantity and "Place Order" button to place the order
  • On existing balance amount in customer Wallet, the order should be accepted or rejected with proper error message.
  • If the order is accepted, the token number should be generate using Random functionality and the order detail should stored in order table along with token number.
  • The token number displayed as confirmation of the order should be fetched from the database.
  • "Back to Menu" takes the customer back to the Menu list screen from all the screen.
  • Entering the "Vendor Admin Login” button in the Home screen will take to the Food Vendor login.

What I learn...

  • Java mvc pattern
  • mvn package manaager
  • JDBC driver
  • Mysql DataBase

local Env setup

clone repo.. make sure java and mysql-database is install on your system

cd canteenMnagementSystem
mvn install 
mvn package
java -cp target/canteen-management-system.jar com.hexaware.App