A Social network application form users who wish to enlarge their social life with friends connected throughout the world
Includes interdependent maven projects to package it into one Connectin Spring boot project. Following application will provide user to create or manage account for social network ConnectIn. A comprehensive project which constitues of latest technologies like spring-boot , Angular 2 and BootStrap. A responsive UI along with user friendly views and functions on views.
Application Architecture For modularity web services have been packaged in connectin-microservice package which focuses on Sr principle of handling RestAPI and transactions with database. UI code has been seperated into another project names connectin-web which focuses on login and other view rendring with security. Authentication has been a part of connectin-auth of whcih sole purpose is Two way authentication to UI and RestAPI's.
Security For security pusrpose authentication has been added using spring security. The application manages security of users with statelessness and two way token generation using JWt token based authentication.
Modularity The code has been following with strict guidelines and naming conventions according to airbnb
Run.bat file will automatically run all dependent modules like service and webapp and start server at http://localhost:9092
- Go to root project
- double click on run.bat or open cmd and type run.bat
In its default configuration, Connectin uses an MySQL database and Redis for caching to some extent. gets populated at startup with data. A similar setup is provided for MySql in case a persistent database configuration is needed. Note that whenever the database type is changed, the application.properties file needs to be updated and the mysql-connector-java artifact from the pom.xml needs to be uncommented.
for creating database configrations run database.sql file at root folder
pleas run sql commands for creating table using below steps:
- go to /sql folder in root project
- open create.sql
- execute all commands from create.sql
- open insert.sql in same folder and execute insert commands
The following items should be installed in your system:
- Maven 3 (http://www.sonatype.com/books/mvnref-book/reference/installation.html)
- git command line tool (https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git)
- Eclipse with the m2e plugin (m2e is installed by default when using the STS (http://www.springsource.org/sts) distribution of Eclipse)
Note: when m2e is available, there is an m2 icon in Help -> About dialog. If m2e is not there, just follow the install process here: http://eclipse.org/m2e/download/
Inside Eclipse
File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven project