A backend API for managing hotels, rooms, and their images, allowing to create, update, and retrieve hotel and room information with images.
- Features
- Installation
- Database Setup
- File Structure
- Hotel Data Schema
- Setup and Configuration
- Running the Application
- API Endpoints
- Testing
Node.js and Express.js: The API is built using Node.js for the runtime environment and Express.js as the web framework.
TypeScript: TypeScript is used for better code quality, enhanced developer experience, and type safety in the codebase.
Data Storage: Data is stored in JSON files (instead of a database) under the
folder. Each hotel and room's information is saved as individual JSON files. -
File Uploads: Multer is used to handle image uploads for hotels and rooms. Images are saved in the
directory. -
Data Validation & Error Handling:
- All incoming data is validated to ensure it meets the necessary criteria.
- Errors are handled properly with appropriate error messages returned to the client.
HTTP Status Codes:
- 200 OK for successful operations (e.g., data retrieval, updates).
- 404 Not Found for resources that cannot be found.
- 500 Internal Server Error for unexpected issues or server failures.
- Hotel Management: Create, update, and fetch hotels by ID or slug.
- Room Management: Upload images for rooms along with hotel creation.
- Image Uploads: Support for multiple images per hotel and room using multer.
git clone [https://github.com/siddiqua14/NodeJS-ExpressJS.git]
cd hotel-api
Install all necessary packages listed in package.json
by running:
npm install
- Fast and lightweight web framework for Node.js -npm install express
- Middleware for handling file uploads -npm install multer
- Node.js native modules for file and path operationsslugify
- For generating URL-friendly slugs from titles -npm install slugify
- For testing API endpoints -npm install jest --save-dev
,npm install supertest --save-dev
For this setup, storing data in JSON files under a data
In the project root, create a data
mkdir data
This folder will store each hotel’s JSON file.
project structure:
├── src/
│ ├── controllers/
│ │ └── hotel.controller.ts # Main controller for handling API logic
│ ├── middleware/
│ │ └── hotel.middleware.ts # Middleware setup for file uploads (Multer)
│ │ └── validationErrorHandler.ts # Error handling middleware
│ ├── routes/
│ │ └── hotel.routes.ts # API routes configuration
│ ├── models/
│ │ └── hotel.types.ts # TypeScript types for data
│ ├── data/ # Folder for JSON data files
| ├── uploads/ # Folder for storing uploaded images
| | └── rooms/ # Folder for storing uploaded images-->Rooms
| ├── validations/ # Input validation rules and schemas
| | └── hotel.validation.ts
| ├── app.ts # Main application file
| └── server.ts # Server configuration and startup
├── test/ # Folder containing test files
│ └── hotel.test.ts # Tests for API endpoints
├── hotel-api.postman_collection.json # Postman collection for API testing
├── jest.config.js # Jest testing configuration
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json # Project dependencies and scripts
├── README.md
└── tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration
The hotel data is structured in a JSON format with the following fields:
- ID: Unique identifier for the hotel.
- Slug: A URL-friendly version of the hotel title (e.g., "grand-hotel").
- Title: Name of the hotel.
- Description: A brief description of the hotel.
- Guest Count: The maximum number of guests the hotel can accommodate.
- Bedroom Count: The number of bedrooms available in the hotel.
- Bathroom Count: The number of bathrooms available in the hotel.
- Amenities: A list of amenities offered by the hotel (e.g., WiFi, Air Conditioning).
- Host Information: Details about the host (e.g., name, contact).
- Address: The physical address of the hotel.
- Latitude: The geographical latitude of the hotel.
- Longitude: The geographical longitude of the hotel.
- Images: Array of images representing the hotel (e.g., exterior, interior images).
- Hotel Slug: The slug for the hotel (used for linking rooms to their respective hotels).
- Room Slug: A URL-friendly version of the room title (e.g., "room-1").
- Room Image: An array of images representing the room.
- Room Title: The title of the room (e.g., "Ocean View Room").
- Bedroom Count: The number of bedrooms in the room.
To add TypeScript to the project(if not), follow these steps:
Compile the code by running:
npm install typescript --save-dev
npm install @types/node --save-dev
npx tsc --init
- In my project updated
with the following configuration:
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es6", // Set the JavaScript language version.
"module": "commonjs", // Module system for Node.js compatibility.
"moduleResolution": "node", // Use Node.js resolution strategy.
"rootDir": "./src", // Location of your source files.
"outDir": "./dist", // Location for compiled files.
"esModuleInterop": true, // Enables compatibility with ES modules and CommonJS.
"strict": true, // Enable strict type checking.
"skipLibCheck": true,
"resolveJsonModule": true // Allow importing JSON files.
"include": ["src/**/*.ts"], // Ensure only .ts files in src are compiled.
"exclude": ["node_modules", "dist"] // Exclude unnecessary folders.
"scripts": {
"start": "node dist/app.js", // Start the compiled JavaScript file.
"dev": "nodemon --exec ts-node src/app.ts", // For running in development with automatic reloading.
"build": "tsc", // Compile TypeScript files.
"test": "jest", // Run tests using Jest.
"test:watch": "jest --watch" // Run tests with watch mode.
npm install ts-node nodemon --save-dev
Compile the code by running:
npx tsc
Start the server using:
npm run dev
The API should now be running on http://localhost:5050.
- Method:
- URL:
- Body:
{ "title": "Season Hotel", "description": "A Luxury place to stay", "guestCount": 5, "bedroomCount": 2, "bathroomCount": 2, "amenities": ["WiFi", "Air Conditioning"], "host": "John Doe", "address": "123 Street, City, Country", "latitude": 40.7128, "longitude": -74.0060, "rooms": [ { "roomSlug": "room1", "roomTitle": "Room 1", "bedroomCount": 1 } ] }
- Response:
201 Created
- Method:
- URL:
- Response:
200 OK
or404 Not Found
- Method:
- Endpoint:
- Body:
{ "title": "Updated Hotel Name" }
- Response:
200 OK
or404 Not Found
- Method:
- URL:
- Form-Data:
: Upload images in form-data with keyimages
- Response:
200 OK
or404 Not Found
- Method:
- URL:
- Form-Data:
: Upload images in form-data with keyimages
- Response:
200 OK
or404 Not Found
Jest and Supertest have been set up to test the API endpoints.
Ensure that you have the necessary test setup:
- Jest is set up for running tests.
- Supertest is used for making requests to the API during tests.
- Test files are located in the
directory. For example, the filehotel.test.ts
contains tests for the hotel API.
To run the tests:
npm test