
Helper functions to make animations of images with corresponding traces and labels using matplotlib

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Animate Images

Build Status PyPI version Updates Python3 Cover

Helper functions to make animations of images with corresponding traces and labels using matplotlib

Example uses:

If you have a 3d movie (time, x, y):

from Animate.Movie import Movie
import numpy as np
m = Movie(dt=1.0 / 14, height_ratio=1.5)
img = np.random.randint(10, size=(40, 5, 5))
m.add_image(img, style='dark_img')
m.add_axis(x_label='time (s)', y_label='value')
m.add_trace(img.mean(axis=(1, 2)))
m.save('path/to/file/with_name', fps=1)


If you have a 2d movie (x, y) where you want to have a sliding window movie:

import numpy as np
from Animate.Movie import Movie

# prepare data
x_len = 300
x_res = 20.0
y_amplitude = 20
noise_amplitude = 5
x = np.arange(x_len) / x_res
y = np.sin(x) * y_amplitude
pix_number = 10
img = np.random.randint(0, noise_amplitude, size=pix_number*x_len).reshape(pix_number, x_len) + y

# make a movie
rate = 5.0
m = Movie(dt=1.0/rate)
m.add_image(img, animation_type='window', window_size=19, window_step=5)
m.add_axis('Time (s)', 'Mean value')
m.save('testing', fps=rate)



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