
Linux shell scripts

Primary LanguageShellDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

sh scripts

collection of some shell scripts

  • lolban
  • toilet piped through lolcat.


    1. Make the script executable by chmod +x lolban
    2. Put it somewhere in your path so you can call it from anywhere like /.local/bin


    1. toilet
    2. lolcat
    3. fonts from https://github.com/xero/figlet-fonts


    Credits: budlabs

  • toggle-touchpad.sh : Toggle your laptop's touchpad on/off
  • Usage:

    a. From Terminal.

    1. Navigate to the folder containing the scripts
    2. Make it executable by running chmod +x on the script
    3. Execute the script by ./toggle-touchpad.sh
    4. You may move or symlink it somewhere in your $PATH such that using its full path is unneeded.

    b. Through a keybind.

    1. Make the script executable
    2. Edit your WM's config and add the keybind.
      • i3wm: bindsym $mod+Shift+T exec ~/.scripts/toggle-touchpad.sh

    NOTE: It displays a notification when you toggle it.

  • krohnkite-toggle.sh : Toggle Krohnkite
  • Toggle Krohnkite (Dynamic Tiling extension for KWin) through terminal or a shortcut key. Usage:

    a. You can run the script from the terminal itself.

    1. Navigate to the folder containing the script
    2. Make the script executable first by sudo chmod +x krohnkite-toggle.sh.
    3. Execute the script by sh krohnkite-toggle.sh.
    sudo chmod +x krohnkite-toggle.sh
    sh krohnkite-toggle.sh

    b. Execute the script via a shortcut-key.

    1. System Settings > Shortcuts > Custom Shortcuts > Create a new Command/URL Gloabal Shortcut
    2. Assign the Shortcut-Key under the Trigger Tab
    3. Add the execute command under the Action Tab. In my case: sh /home/siddharth/.my-sh-scripts/krohnkite-toggle.sh



    All attempts have been made to identify third party content within the repository, with sources and attribution given where necessary. Please contact me if any issues are discovered.