Objects, Inheritance, and Polymorphism

Sidd Singal (siddharth.singal@students.olin.edu)
James Jang (Byumho.Jang@students.olin.edu)
Programming Languages
Fall 2016

The goal of this project is to implement a functional object system, or at least the surface of it, including inheritance and polymorphism. The following list specific goals of this project that we will go into detail :

  1. Create class templates and objects from those classes. Classes should include states (instance variables) and behaviors (procedures).
  2. Superclass other classes and inherit all states and behaviors from that super class.
  3. Make uninstantiable abstract classes and leave implementation up to programmers.
  4. Exhibit correct polymorphism on objects that have a superclass reference.


First things first, it is hard to write classes and objects on a single line, so we (re-)created the multiline functionality so a line can span multiple lines on our interpreter. Type in #multi to begin the multiline parsing. Type in #end to signal the end of the block.

imp> #multi
	print 5;
	print "hello";
	print true;

Now, let's look at the structure of classes and objects in our system. Classes can be defined with any number of instance variables and functions, given that all names are unique. Each class will have a single implicit constructor that should take in as many arguments as there are instance variables. Functions can be defined as ENotImplemented() for abstract classes, but any concrete classes must not contain any ENotImplemented().

Any subclasses must provide a superconstructor with as many arguments as there are instance variables in the superclass. The subclass's constructor can be responsible for collecting those values.

Other than above, we can expect inheritance and polymorphism to work as expected.

Basics: Class Templates and Objects

Create class templates and objects from those classes. Classes should include states (instance variables) and behaviors (functions).

Creating a class requires a number of parameters:

  • name
  • superclass
  • parameter
  • functions (or procedures in our language)
class (
    name: pNAME
    superclass: pIDENTIFIER
    (instanceVariable:pNAME instanceVariable:pNAME instanceVariable:pNAME ...)
    (superconstructorArgument:pIDENTIFIER superconstructorArgument:pIDENTIFIER ...)
        (name:pNAME (args:pNAMES) statements:pSTMT)
        (name:pNAME (args:pNAMES) statements:pSTMT)

As an example, we are going to define a simple Dog class. We can ignore the superclass related fields for this objective by declaring Object as the superclass and using () to define the arguments to the superclass's constructor.

imp> #multi
class (
    (name age type)
        (bark (sound) print sound;)
        (growOlder (years) age <- (+ age (* 7 years));)
        (getName () print name;)
        (getAge () print age;)
Dog.Object defined

We can make an object by using the new keyword and providing all of the required arguments space delimited.

imp> new Dog("brosky" 10 "husky")

It isn't useful to just create an object if we can't use it. We need to assign it to a reference using the ref keyword.

imp> obj Dog huskaroo = new Dog("brosky" 10 "husky")
huskaroo of type Dog.Object got assigned a Dog.Object object

We can also call it's functions using the with keyword.

imp> (with huskaroo bark ("wolf"))
imp> (with huskaroo getAge ())
imp> (with huskaroo growOlder (5))
imp> (with huskaroo getAge ())


Superclass other classes and inherit all states and behaviors from that super class.

Making a class that extends another class is easy. Let's define a non-subclass first.

imp> #multi
class (
    (name age)
        (growOlder (years) age <- (+ age years);)
        (getName () print name;)
        (getAge () print age;)
Animal.Object defined

Now we can define other classes that subclass Animal.

imp> #multi
class (
    (name age type)
    (name age)
        (bark (sound) print sound;)
        (growOlder (years) age <- (+ age (* 7 years));)
Animal.Object defined
imp> obj Dog huskaroo = new Dog("brosky" 10 "husky")
huskaroo of type Dog.Object got assigned a Dog.Object object
imp> (with huskaroo bark ("wolf"))
imp> (with huskaroo getAge ())
imp> (with huskaroo growOlder (5))
imp> (with huskaroo getAge ())

The Dog object works exactly the same as before. However, we did not have to define getName and getAge again because they were already defined in Animal. We decided to override growOlder though because dogs gain 7 dog years supposedely for every real year. We were able to add dog specific functions like bark to this class.

It will be easier for us to define more Animal classes as well!

imp> #multi
class (
    (name age)
    (name age)
        (meow () print "meow";)
Cat.Animal.Object defined

Note that our version of this code does not allow you to overload methods.

Abstract classes

Make uninstantiable abstract classes and leave implementation up to programmers.

Some classes are just not meant to be instantiated because all information might not be known from the beginning. For example, we know all animals make a sound, but the sound they make depends on the animal. What could happen if we made Animal abstract?

We can make classes abstract by adding the abstract keyword before them.

imp> #multi
absclass (
    (name age)
        (makeNoise () <>)
        (getName () print name;)
        (getAge () print age;)
Animal.Object defined

In this case, we have marked makeNoise as abstract by marking <>; as the implementation. Of course, we should not be able to instantiate an Animal object.

imp> obj Animal a = new Animal("ricky" 3000)
Exception: Runtime error: Cannot instantiate an abstract class

Let's make a concrete subclass.

imp> #multi
class (
    (name age)
    (name age)
        (makeNoise () print "bark";)
Dog.Animal.Object defined
imp> obj Dog huskaroo = new Dog("brosky" 10)
huskaroo of type Dog.Animal.Object got assigned a Dog.Animal.Object object
imp> (with huskaroo makeNoise ())
imp> (with huskaroo getName ())

We are able successfully instantiate a Dog object and call functions defined in both the subclass Dog and the superclass Animal. Let's try one more thing...

imp> #multi
class (
    (name age)
    (name age)
Exception: Runtime error: Cannot create a concrete class with an abstract method

Uh oh! Looks like we cannot make a concrete Cat class live above because we did not implement all unimplemented methods!


Exhibit correct polymorphism on objects that have a superclass reference.

The type of reference to an object should be able to be a superclass of the actual object. In other terms, any object assignments are okay as long as the object type IS the reference type.

Let's define some classes real quick to see what this might look like.

imp> #multi
absclass (
    (name age)
        (makeNoise () <>)
        (getName () print name;)
        (getAge () print age;)
Animal.Object defined
imp> #multi
class (
    (name age)
    (name age)
        (makeNoise () print "bark";)
        (getAge () print (* 7 age);)
        (sickEm (person) print (concat "Just attacked " person);)
Dog.Animal.Object defined
imp> #multi
class (
    (name age)
    (name age)
        (makeNoise () print "meow";)
Cat.Animal.Object defined

Let's summarize. We created an abstract Animal class that is waiting for a makenoise method to be implemented. Dog subclasses animal, implements makeNoise, overrides getAge, and defines sickEm. Cat just implements makeNoise because cats are pretty boring like that.

What happens when we try to create a Cat reference pointing to a Dog object?

imp> obj Cat d = new Dog("anotherdog" 10);
Exception: Runtime error Cannot instantiate because Dog.Animal.Object is not of type Cat.Animal.Object

This won't work because a Dog is not a Cat. We know a Cat is an Animal. Will the following work?

imp> obj Cat d = new Animal("kitty" 10);
Exception: Runtime error: Cannot instantiate an abstract class

Still won't work because an Animal is not a Cat. The opposite will still work though because, as we mentioned, a Cat is an Animal.

imp> obj Animal c = new Cat("kitty" 10);
c of type Animal.Object got assigned a Cat.Animal.Object object
imp> (with c makeNoise ())

Polymorphism will have interesting effects with the Dog. To start off, let's make a Dog object.

imp> obj Animal d = new Dog("doggy" 10)
d of type Animal.Object got assigned a Dog.Animal.Object object
imp> (with d makeNoise ())

makeNoise works as intended. What about sickEm?

imp> (with d sickEm ("james"))
Exception: Runtime error: this function is not accessible or does not exist.

We would expect this to work, but it doesn't because Animal doesn't recognize any objects having a sickEm, so we can't use that method. Last but not least, what about getAge? Will it use Animals implementation or Dogs?

imp> (with d getAge ());

It used Dogs! As expected from polymorphism.