
Tracks the Repositories, Contributors, Open issues and other details using github API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Technologies Used:

  • Angular JS 1.2.29 (2-way Data Binding, Promises, Services($location, $inteval,custom and etc.), Routing (ng-view)).
  • Bootstrap 3.3.6.
  • GitHub API (api.github.com).
  • Server - Nodejs

After cloning the code base, install the node modules using *> npm install.

Once done, you can start the node server *>node server.js.

The application starts running on localhost:PORT

Milestones Achieved

#1. Going to Build Tabbed Grids, that displays various data Objects in the Search Page. Each tab makes different service call and displays data in tabular grid.
2. Handling the $scope.$watch method to make sure I don't make duplicate and unnecessary calls.

Future Goals

#1. More Robust Error Handling.
#2. Pagination, if the user has more than 15 records.
#3. Modals.
#4. Improving the File Structure.
#5. Proxy request to avoid CORS browser limitations