Open the scene and hit play, you can then use WASD
controls to move around. In the SampleScene
you can enable the Auto Move
property on the Cockpit
object. You can also change the panorama ID on the Panoid
proeprty on the PhotoSphere object.
Clone the repo ( or use the unity package in the releases) into the Assets
folder in your unity project.
Add the Sphere.prefab
to your Scene. You can change the Panoid
property on the PhotoSphere
component on the Sphere.prefab
to any you like.
To get the Panoid
from a street view page url:,6.851849,3a,90y,324.71h,64.65t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1sFEpIJhSgOzoAAAQJOQCL3w!2e0!3e11
After the !1s
and before the !2e
is the Panorama ID, so here is it: