
Upload files and get an URL to share!

Primary LanguagePHP


Upload files and get an URL to share! This tool was created to save your and your contact's mailbox from huge attachments.

This project is a work in progress, but already usable.

Please follow these steps to install FileSharer on your own machine.

Vagrant Installation

Perform the installation steps in this order:

  1. Clone this project if you haven't already done so:

    git clone https://github.com/sideshow-systems/FileSharer.git

  2. Change into the project directory:

    cd FileSharer

  3. Run vagrant installation (make shure vagrant is installed on your machine -> https://www.vagrantup.com)

    vagrant up

You can run unit tests by executing the vagrant_phpunit.sh script. Run multitail.sh script (http://www.vanheusden.com/multitail/) to view log files or use tail -f or less to read log files (located in logs directory).

Installation (own webserver)


Perform the installation steps in this order:

  1. Clone this project if you haven't already done so:

    git clone https://github.com/sideshow-systems/FileSharer.git

  2. Change into the project directory:

    cd FileSharer

  3. Prepare dependencies:

    composer install

  4. If you want to perform the included unit tests you may now perform them:


  5. Now ensure that the project root directory is accessible from your webserver.

  6. The following directories must be writable from the webserver, otherwise FileSharer will not function properly:

* data
* misc/css
* misc/js/vendor


Using FileSharer consists of two use cases: Upload data and download data.

To upload a file, point your browser to access http://myhost/path/to/FileSharer/uploadr/ or in case of using vagrant http://filesharer.vagrant/uploadr/ (make shure to add filesharer.vagrant to your /etc/hosts file). If the installation is correct, you can now see a screen with a large drop area where you can drop files you drag from outside, e.g. a file manager window.

After uploading a file you get an url you can copy and paste it in a document (like an email to the file recipient). The recipient can download the file by opening the given url.