Mev is a measurement microframework to handle all kinds of network measurements in an evented fashion it is developed as part of the iStrukta Project at the TU München. It is based on Nodejs to provide a useful event mechanism. In order to provide a maximal output no state is held inside the application per measurement request, but it is passed via the events, this enables massive parallel measurements.
- nomnomargs
- node patched to add the ability to set a DNS server per request
- expresso (testing)
- should (testing)
Best install via npm
$ git clone && cd Mev/mev && npm install
Most simple usage, to scan for all reverse DNS entries
$ echo '131.159.20' | mev -f -i - -m rdns -o output.csv
Mev can also connect to a socket to take jobs and return results if the -f/--file is not specified
For Help run
$ mev -h
Megi is a Webfrontend based on Codeignitor to ease the usage of Mev and to provide a visual feedback. Currently is missing any styling. And is by far not feature complete but the basics work, Jobs can be created, run and the result is viewable.
Configure a database with the provided schema.sql and set the application/config/database.php accordingly.