MakerDAO spell attester

A proposal for attesting MakerDAO spells (governance payload) on-chain which aims to improve transparency and structure of the process and reduce dependence on centralised services for security-critical operations.


The end user of the proposed protocol have access to 3 EAS attestation schemas connected together and restricted by 3 specifically developed EAS resolvers:

  • Identity schema: attests known spell actors (crafters and reviewers) using address, pseudonym and their team name
    • Ensures uniqueness of pseudonym and address (unless revoked)
    • Ensures only lowercase latin letters or underscore symbols are used for pseudonym and team name
  • Spell schema: attests specific spell setup (using name of the spell, pseudonyms of 1 crafter and 2 reviewers)
    • Ensures uniqueness of the spell name
    • Ensures all spell members have non-revoked Identities
    • Ensures all spell members have different Identities
    • Ensures reviewers have different team names
  • Deployment: attests deployed spell contract (using name of the spell, address and hash of the spell)
    • Ensures spell name have relevant non-revoked Spell attestation
    • Ensures provided address is not empty
    • Ensures user attesting Deployment is the Spell member
    • Ensures a single attestation per user per spell
    • Ensures crafter attests spell before reviewers
    • Ensures reviewers attest the same payload address as crafter
    • Ensures reviewers attest the same payload hash as crafter
    • Ensures provided hash matches codehash of the address (temporary disabled to allow cross-chain attestations)

The process of using provided attestations is therefore as follows:

  1. Once: admin attests Identity of all known participants
    • If some participants leave in the future, their identities could be revoked
  2. At the start of each spell: admin attests a Spell
    • If plans change later on, the particular spell could be revoked
  3. At the end of the spell review: each spell participant attests deployed spell address
    • The hash of the spell is also verified on-chain
    • Spell attestation could be revoked later
  4. An external observer can follow the progress of the spell and check its overall status on-chain

The attestations can be created directly using generic EAS interface or via the provided command-line tool (see spell-attester npm package for more details).

Quick start

Governance Facilitator

  1. Request admin rights from another admin or a protocol deployer
  2. Create known Identity attestations:
    • A: Use EAS UI by navigating to the Identity schema (see "Deployed addresses" section below)
    • B: Execute npx spell-attester create-identity --user-address 0x... --user-pseudonym alice --team-name team_a for each known identity
  3. Create Spell attestation:
    • A: Use EAS UI by navigating to the Spell schema (see "Deployed addresses" section below)
    • B: Execute npx spell-attester create-spell --payload-id 2024-06-27 --crafter alice --reviewer-a bob --reviewer-b charlie to create spell team

Spell member

  1. Request Identity attestation from a Governance Facilitator
  2. Ensure that you know payload-id of the current Spell (usually target date)
  3. Create Deployment attestation:
    • A: Use EAS UI by navigating to the specific schema (see "Deployed addresses" section below)
    • B: Execute npx spell-attester create-deployment --payload-id 2024-06-27 --payload-address 0x... --payload-hash 0x... to attest deployed spell

External observer

  • Get current status of a particular spell
    • A: Call SpellAttester.getSpellAddressByPayloadId(string) using known payload-id (see "Deployed addresses" section below find actual SpellAttester address)
    • B: Execute npx spell-attester status 2024-06-27 to get current status of the Spell

Deployed addresses

Latest addresses are always available inside automatically generated jsons in the broadcast/Deploy.s.sol folder.

Mainnet (chain id 1)

Not yet deployed

Sepolia testnet (chain id 11155111)


  1. Create .env file in the root of the project with all required environment variables listed below
  2. Test contracts via forge test -vvv --fork-url sepolia or forge test -vvv --fork-url mainnet
  3. Test natspec via npx --yes @defi-wonderland/natspec-smells@1.1.3 --enforceInheritdoc=false --include='src/**/*.sol'
  4. Deploy project via forge script script/Deploy.s.sol:Deploy --fork-url sepolia (note: this will only simulate deployment, unless you add --verify --broadcast to actually broadcast the transactions and then verify contracts)

Environment variables

  • SEPOLIA_RPC_URL (required for testing on sepolia)
  • MAINNET_RPC_URL (required for testing on mainnet)
  • ETHERSCAN_API_KEY (required for contract deployment)
  • PRIVATE_KEY (required for contract deployment)

Potential next steps

  • Make identity and spell attestations revokable by all admins
  • Make StellAttester contract upgradable to preserve the same address between upgrades
    • Potentially combine all resolvers into a single address
  • Separate governance facilitator rights from rights to file a schema
  • Add composability of Spell attestations (support for SubDAOs)
  • CLI: Provide possibility to override SpellAttester address