- 0
Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `textMessage` supplied to `SnackbarComponent`.
#91 opened by balsick - 3
Fix ViewPropTypes
#81 opened by amornpic - 0
props are undefined but functional
#90 opened by varand-pez - 2
- 3
Add useNativeDriver: true to Animation.timer
#47 opened by kanyo33 - 6
Animated: `useNativeDriver` was not specified. This is a required option and must be explicitly set to `true` or `false`
#57 opened by devtyty - 1
not able to change the fontSize, i would appreciate any fix, thanks in advance
#52 opened by rajesh221b - 1
- 2
refactor class component
#40 opened by serusko - 1
rgba colors doesn't work
#7 opened by MaximLeonov - 1
Align Text and Direction
#10 opened by AMAISGOD - 1
Customizable Font
#22 opened by callmeaponte - 0
warning FAB
#23 opened by hellohaidev - 1
Use icon instead of action text
#26 opened by PiotrSzlagura - 0
Depfu Error: No dependency files found
#46 opened by depfu - 2
- 2
Not working with react-native-elements: fontFamily "space-mono" is not a system font and has not been loaded through Font.loadAsync.
#37 opened by 5ervant - 0
Improve snackbar accessibility
#24 opened by brettnew - 1
need create unit test
#13 opened by enieber - 1
How to dismiss the snackbar
#18 opened by jamesangetonhouse - 1
- 1
Possible to add two action button?
#15 opened by gabrieljo - 1
QUESTION: Nested Animated.View
#9 opened by louisiscoding - 3
- 4
Allow it to be visible from start
#1 opened by robertherber