
A small utility to parse paths.

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A small utility to parse and build paths. It can be used to partially or fully test paths against a defined pattern.

Partial testing allows to determine if a given path starts with the defined pattern. It is used by route-node


import Path from 'path-parser';
// Defining a new path
const p = new Path('/users/profile/:id');
// Matching
p.test('/users/profile/00123')               // => {id: "00123"}
// Partial testing: does this path
// starts with that pattern?
p.partialTest('/users/profile/00123/orders') // => {id: "00123"}
p.partialTest('/profile/00123/orders')       // => null
// Building
p.build({id: '00123'})                       // => "users/profile/00123"

Without new:

import Path from 'path-parser';

const p = Path.createPath('/users/profile/:id');

Defining parameters

  • :param: for URL parameters
  • ;param: for matrix parameters
  • *splat: for parameters spanning over multiple segments. Handle with care
  • ?param1&param2 or ?:param1&:param2: for query parameters. Colons : are optional.
  • ?param1=a&param1=b will result in {param1: ['a', 'b']}
  • ?param1[]=a and ?param1[]=a&param1[]=b will result respectively in {param1: ['a']} and {param1: ['a', 'b']}

Parameter constraints

For URL parameters and matrix parameters, you can add a constraint in the form of a regular expression. Note that back slashes have to be escaped.

  • :param<\\d+> will match numbers only for parameter param
  • ;id<[a-fA-F0-9]{8} will match 8 characters hexadecimal strings for parameter id

Constraints are also applied when building paths, unless specified otherwise (set option flag ignoreConstraints to true).

// Path.build(params, opts)
var Path = new Path('/users/profile/:id<\d+>');

path.build({id: 'not-a-number'});       // => Will throw an error
path.build({id: 'not-a-number'}, {ignoreConstraints: true}); // => '/users/profile/not-a-number'

Optional trailing slashes

.test(path, options) accepts an option object:

  • trailingSlash: if truthy, it will make trailing slashes optional (default to true).
var path = new Path('/my-path');

path.test('/my-path/')       // => null
path.test('/my-path/', { trailingSlash: true }) // => {}

Partial test with delimiters

.partialTest(path, options) accepts an option object:

  • delimited: if truthy, a partial test will only be successful if a delimiter is found at the end of a match (default to true, delimiters are /, ?, . and ;).
var path = new Path('/my-path');

path.partialTest('/my-path/extended')       // => {}
path.partialTest('/my-path-extended')       // => null
path.partialTest('/my-path-extended', { delimited: false }) // => {}

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