
Automated DevOps Pipeline Project for seamless Web Application Deployment and Management using Jenkins, Ansible, Apache Tomcat deployed on AWS infrastructure that is configured using Terraform.

Primary LanguageHCL

Terraform AWS-EC2 Jenkins Ansible Apache-Tomcat RHEL Python Django

DevOps Project - Automated Web App Deployment - v1.0


This DevOps project aims to automate the deployment process of a Python-Django web application using a combination of tools and technologies such as AWS, Terraform, Jenkins, Ansible, Apache Tomcat, Git/GitHub, etc.

Project Architecture

Project Architecture

Project Steps

This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up the development environment, configure individual servers, and create a Jenkins pipeline for automated builds and deployments.

Step 1: GitHub/VScode Setup

  1. Create a GitHub repository for the application.
  2. Open VScode and clone the application repository.
  3. OPTIONAL: If using a web app from GitHub, download it to your local machine.
  4. In VScode, open the cloned repository folder and add the application data.
  5. Commit and push the changes to GitHub.

Step 2: Terraform Setup & Configuration

  1. Install and configure Terraform.
  2. Create a main.tf file and paste the Terraform configuration.
  3. Run terraform init to initialize the project.
  4. Run terraform apply -auto-approve -input=false to apply the infrastructure changes.
  5. Verify user_data installations by checking /var/log/cloud-init-output.log.

Step 3: Individual Servers Configuration

GitHub Configuration:

  1. Generate a Personal Access Token in GitHub.
  2. Replace <personal_access_token> with the generated token.

Developer Server:

  1. Clone the repository using the access token.
  2. Commit and push the changes.

Jenkins Server:

  1. Set up SSH key configurations for Jenkins and Ansible Servers.
  2. Copy the initialAdminPassword for Jenkins login.
  3. Access Jenkins on http://<EC2-Public-IP>:8080.
  4. Install suggested plugins and additional plugins, including "Publish over SSH."
  5. Configure Jenkins credentials.
  6. Set up GitHub webhook for the repository.

Ansible Server:

  1. Configure SSH settings for the Ansible Server.
  2. Create a directory to store data from the Jenkins Server.
  3. Create an Ansible playbook.

Step 4: Jenkins Pipeline Configuration

  1. Create a Jenkins Job as a Pipeline.
  2. Enable "GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling."
  3. Choose "Pipeline Script from SCM" and specify the Repository URL.
  4. Add Jenkins credentials for the Jenkins Server (SSH username and private key).
  5. Specify */main as the Branch Specifier.

Step 5: Configuring Jenkinsfile from Developer Server

  1. Login to the Developer Server.
  2. Navigate to the Web-Application-Repository folder.
  3. Create or edit the Jenkinsfile with the desired configuration.
  4. Commit and push the changes to the GitHub repository.

Step 6: Configuring Ansible Playbook from Ansible Server

  1. Login to the Ansible Server.
  2. Navigate to the /home/ec2-user/ansible-data/ansible-playbooks directory.
  3. Create or edit the deploy-web-app.yml playbook with the desired configuration.

Final Steps:

  1. Run the Jenkins Job to trigger the pipeline and deploy the web application.
  2. Access the Web Server's IP on port 8080 to interact with the deployed application.