
The primary objective of “Snoop” will be to scour the internet for data pertaining to a particular person or agency/organization/community and archive it for use by anyone. Data would normally be collected from the public domain only, and it would be summarized and annotated so that a user can gain valuable information about the target without having to manually look up in several websites/search engines/social media websites.

Primary LanguagePython


The primary objective of “Snoop” will be to scour the internet for data pertaining to a particular person or agency/organization/community and archive it for use by anyone. Data would normally be collected from the public domain only, and it would be summarized and annotated so that a user can gain valuable information about the target without having to manually look up in several websites/search engines/social media websites.

Snoop will have both web-based as well as widget-based implementations. The initial version will be supported on linux only. Later, support for windows will also be added.

Snoop would be able to run as daemon as well as a command line process (or alternatively, a clickable executable).