
Git resources

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Linking local and remote repo

Commands used in git-bash

git init //initializes the current directry as a git repo

git clone "repo.git" //clones the repo to the current directory

git remote add upstream "repo.git" //sync cloned local repo with remote repo

git pull upstream "branch" //update local repo from remote repo NOTE THE BRANCH : SHOULD BE THE CURRENT WORKING BRANCH

git commit -m "message"

git checkout -b "branch name" //creates new branch

git checkout "branch name"

git branch //shows branch and * indicates current branch

git add --all //Adds the changes to all files upon next commit...specify files before committing

git status //Gets the current status of repo

git push origin -u "branch name"

git pull "repo" //downloads and merge repo to the local repo

git help COMMAND or git COMMAND --help //displays the manual page for the command in your shell window

NOTE : Always create seperate branch for working as an individual contributor.