
NPM 5 dedupes the local modules incorrectly meaning local packages do not have access to their defined dependencies

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NPM v5 dedupes necessary modules causing failures at runtime

If local module A depends on local module B, which has a dependency on module D and local module C, if module D was also installed in local module C. The package will not be installed or be available at runtime to module C.

 -> B
 -> C
 -> D
 -> D

How to run

Using npm v5 npm i npm@latest -g within the module-a folder.

Run npm install and error occurs at runtime with npm start.


The output from npm ls will show the module was correctly identified within the nested module although the package has been deduped.

module-a@1.0.0 /Users/james/Work/npm-problem/module-a
└─┬ module-b@1.0.0 -> /Users/james/Work/npm-problem/module-b
  ├── lodash@4.17.4
  └─┬ module-c@1.0.0
    └── lodash@4.17.4 deduped

Known limitations

It might be a known limitation mentioned in "Limitations of npm's Install Algorithm".

Possible related tickets
