
Microservice based on Lumen 7, Nginx and PHP 7.4 | Aws ECS, Google Kubernates, Azure Container Engine

Primary LanguagePHP

Docker infrastructure for Lumen


Microservice Lumen is a starting skeleton based on Docker and Lumen Framework 7. This project helps to develop and maintain a simple and clean infrastructure for the management / creation of php microservices. In just a few steps, the developer starts the development / staging / production environment as needed. Basically, the Nginx containers are available for the webserver, the backend container in PHP 7.4 for the application, both based on Linux linux. The Dockefile (in the docker folder) is already set up to create the production image of the application, we recommend modifying it only to add dependencies or configurations.

Develop env

- require

Docker version: >= 18.09.6
docker-compose version: >= 1.24.0

- setup and run

1.  Edit .env.develop config and copy in root directory
    cp .env.dist .env

3.  Only first time run command:
    make init

4.  Route test

- make commands

version:    Print version of Docker, Docker compose, and PHP

init:    Setup application use it only first time

build:    Build all container of docker-compose file

up:    Up all container of docker-compose file with -d mode

down:    Down all container started

run:    Run container

rebuild:    Re-build and up all container

exec:     Exec bash of container.

Production env

//build and run microservice (from root of project)
docker build --tag IMAGENAME .
docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --name CONTAINERNAME -it IMAGENAME /bin/sh

//enter in microservice bash     
docker exec -it CONTAINERNAME /bin/sh

//stop and start microservice
docker start CONTAINERNAME

Manual push into docker hub registry


base image Webserver Nginx: 1.17-alpine Application: PHP: 7.4.3-fpm-alpine Lumen Framework: 7


This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license