
Code was meant to run on a Texas Instruments TMS320C6416T DSP.

Input: 4 Text Files

  • 1 with the width, height, and number of color channels of the image
  • 1 for each R, G, B color channel
    • Where each pixel had a value from 0 to 255
  • These text files were created using the Matlab file:
    function [] = image_setup(imagefile)
    I = double(imread(imagefile));
    dlmwrite('image_size.txt', size(I), 'delimiter', '\t', 'newline', 'unix');
    dlmwrite('image_R.txt', I(:,:,1), 'delimiter', '\t', 'newline', 'unix');
    dlmwrite('image_G.txt', I(:,:,2), 'delimiter', '\t', 'newline', 'unix');
    dlmwrite('image_B.txt', I(:,:,3), 'delimiter', '\t', 'newline', 'unix');

Output: 3 Text Files

  • 1 for each R, G, B color channel
  • Where there is a red box drawn around detected faces in image