Repository for Sparta Global SQL mini project files.
During this project we learned various SQL techniques and used them to solve various issues.
We learned how to SELECT data according to various WHERE clauses from tables in databases. Tables can also be JOINed to combine their data. LEFT, RIGHT, INNER and FULL joins can be used to include or exclude different information from each table. Different operations can be performed on data in tables to manipulate it and get different information, such as CHARINDEX, COUNT, MAX and more. Data can be compared by various standard operators, like < > =. Logical operators such as AND to execute multiple statements. Aliases can be used to rename different tables and columns. Columns can be grouped and ordered to restructure the data into a more readable or useful format. These concepts were applied in Exercises 1 and 3.
We learned various basic SQL concepts, such as creating databases and tables, inserting entries into tables, and selecting basic data. These concepts were applied in Exercise 2.
Overall, this project implemented many useful concepts and techniques that we learned in our week of SQL.