
Go library to communicate with WebMoney XML interfaces

Primary LanguageGo

Client to communicate with WebMoney XML interfaces

Build Status codecov

Go library to communicate with WebMoney XML interfaces. This library currently realise next WebMoney XML interfaces:

  • X2 - transfer money between some wallets (method: TransferMoney)
  • X3 - check transfer transaction status or get transactions history (method: GetTransactionsHistory)
  • X9 - retrieving information about wallets balance (method: GetTransactionsHistory)

More info about WebMoney XML interfaces can be found by follow link: WebMoney XML interfaces wiki


go get github.com/sidmal/webmoney


package main

import (

func main() {
    logger, _ := zap.NewProduction()

    opts := []webmoney.Option{
    wm, err := webmoney.NewWebMoney(opts...)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("WebMoney handler initialization failed")
    transferMoneyRequest := &webmoney.TransferMoneyRequest{
        TxnId:     1234567890,
        PurseSrc:  "Z123456789012",
        PurseDest: "Z0987654321098",
        Amount:    "10.00",
        Period:    0,
        Desc:      "Тестовая операция",
        PCode:     "",
        WmInvId:   0,
        OnlyAuth:  1,
    transferMoneyResponse, err := wm.TransferMoney(transferMoneyRequest)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Money transfer failed with error: %s", err)
    log.Printf("Money transfered successfully sended. WebMoney transaction ID: %s", transferMoneyResponse.Id)
    getTransactionsHistoryRequest := &webmoney.GetTransactionsHistoryRequest{
        Purse:      "Z123456789012",
        TxnId:      1234567890,
        DateStart:  "20060102 15:04:05",
        DateFinish: "20060102 15:04:05",
    getTransactionsHistoryResponse, err := wm.GetTransactionsHistory(getTransactionsHistoryRequest)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Transaction history receive finished with error: %s", err)
    if getTransactionsHistoryResponse.Count == 1 && getTransactionsHistoryResponse.OperationList[0].DateCrt != "" {
        log.Printf("Money transfer ID %d successfully completed", getTransactionsHistoryResponse.OperationList[0].TxnId)
    getBalanceRequest := &webmoney.GetBalanceRequest{
        Wmid: "405002833238",
    getBalanceResponse, err := wm.GetBalance(getBalanceRequest)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Get wallets balance finished with error: %s", err)
    for _, val := range getBalanceResponse.PurseList {
        log.Printf("Wallet %s balance is %.2f\n", val.PurseName, val.Amount)