Hey! I finally finished recreating this Netflix clone (took me more time than I expected 😅). My idea was to make everything static (movies, series, tv shows, ...) but then I found this really cool TMDB API which you can pull most popular movies, top-rated shows, what's trending, collections, lists, and much more. Really worth checking the effort made.
- AMJordan886Thinkia
- Amulyaaaaaaa
- AngelSantaCruz
- aravinthdev
- arpitannd
- Carlosvalderrama93Bogotá, Colombia
- CynicalShady
- DipikA67
- emredal2
- GilangSebastian
- gk45464chandigarh
- Gouravadtani
- iabcxyz
- janelhenrySoftware Engineer at @100Devs
- jasleen5900IGDTUW
- JimWang0728
- JPdoubleU
- KarimovFardaAzerbaijan, Baku
- kazinomanzaag systems LTD.
- kevinleedrumSalem, VA
- mak092001
- ManinderSingh4000
- nandanb35
- nullpointerexception11
- On-davo
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- xcheng0810