Covers all stages of the 3D creation process, as well as the theory side of things. Helpful for 2D artists as well.
- a1640727878
- Acro88
- Bigbossbro08
- BJMirasol
- blockchainchadC Industries
- BoluAW
- cl3m3c7Morocco
- danielhamiltonH A M I L T O N
- davgmz
- duoartisan
- eatmylazer
- inactivistCalifornia
- KarthikSundar2002Thanjavur, Tamil nadu, India
- KimhabOrk
- KnapperrCanada
- lazy-guy
- Liquid-Nitro
- Michaelknubben
- MyraJia
- myuceTurkey
- NewTypo
- NostalgiaNinjaJohannesburg, South Africa
- Ohlawdylawd
- PunnawatSiriRoad research and development bureau, DOH, Thailand
- rehman000CUNY Research Foundation
- riicchhaarrd
- rmk-repos
- samvtran@nbcnews
- saysaiplz
- SeAmenLoo
- sidney-eliotGermany
- SourceryAI@sourcery-ai
- titonix
- VertexMachine@Vertex-Rage-Studio
- yantaozhaoBeijing, China