
List of all subjects:

  1. how to consume rest services
  2. how to consume soap services
  3. how to build api gateway
  4. how to build load balancing
  5. Queues
  6. Annotation

#1How to start: Install Java. In order to fully install and configure local environment follow these steps:

  • download and install jdk (Java SE Development Kit )
  • add global path for java

setting java path: windowds: 1) Search in the searching box "advanced system settings" 2) click"environment variables" 3) set in "System variables" section new record: { variableName: JAVA_HOME, variableValue: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk17.0 // path where the JDK folder is saved } 4) Click "Path" in system variables section and add create new record %JAVA_HOME%\bin Test: echo $JAVA_HOME in cmd

linux: 1) In terminal paste this command: sudo nano /etc/environment 2) Replace the value (JAVA_HOME = path where JDK bin is installed) TEst: echo $JAVA_HOME in terminal