
R package to access S3 compatible object stores as resources

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

S3 Resource R

Build Status CRAN_Status_Badge

The s3.resourcer package is for accessing a file stored in the AWS S3 system or in a HTTP S3 compatible object store such as minio. It makes use of the aws.s3 R package and of sparklyr when the S3 file store is accessed through Apache Spark.

S3 File Getter

The resource is a file which location is described by a URL with scheme s3 (Amazon Web Services S3 file store) or s3+http or s3+https (Minio implementation of the S3 API over HTTP). To authenticate, the AWS/HTTP S3 key is the resource's identity and the AWS/HTTP S3 secret is the resource's secret.

For instance this is a valid resource object that can be accessed by the S3FileResourceGetter:

res <- resourcer::newResource(url="s3://my_bucket/mtcars.Rdata", format = "data.frame")
client <- resourcer::newResourceClient(res)


res <- resourcer::newResource(url="s3+https://minio.example.org/test/mtcars.Rdata", format = "data.frame")
client <- resourcer::newResourceClient(res)