• - Add TODO list to Readme
  • - Add AirBnB eslint config
  • - Add .prettierrc
  • - Add Axe a11y testing
  • - Tailwind should build dynamic classes in Storybook (docs)
  • - Check JS files can be included in projects (for when we mirgate over)
  • - Move tests to be with the files they test
  • - Add React Testing Library
  • - Add pre-commit and pre-push hooks

Turborepo kitchen sink starter

This is an official starter Turborepo with multiple meta-frameworks all working in harmony and sharing packages.

What's inside?

This Turborepo includes the following packages and apps:

Apps and Packages

  • api: an Express server
  • storefront: a Next.js app
  • admin: a Vite single page app
  • blog: a Remix blog
  • logger: isomorphic logger (a small wrapper around console.log)
  • ui: a dummy React UI library (which contains a single <CounterButton> component)
  • scripts: Jest and ESLint configurations
  • tsconfig: tsconfig.json;s used throughout the monorepo

Each package and app is 100% TypeScript.

Building packages/ui

This example is setup to build packages/ui and output the transpiled source and compiled styles to dist/. This was chosen to make sharing one tailwind.config.js as easy as possible, and to ensure only the CSS that is used by the current application and its dependencies is generated.

Another option is to consume packages/ui directly from source without building. If using this option, you will need to update your tailwind.config.js to be aware of your package locations, so it can find all usages of the tailwindcss class names.

For example, in tailwind.config.js:

  content: [
    // app content
    // include packages if not transpiling


Build fails, missing style.css file OR permission not allowed. Cause - folders are protected Solution: sudo chmod -R 777 /path/to/root/project/folder