A collection of Python scripts to download and extract rating datasets from Twitter for multiple websites
- ageojo@greenkeytech
- alansaidSweden
- aleSugliaHeriot-Watt University
- arjenpdevriesRadboud University
- aulia14
- ayushidalmiaIndia
- BahramJannesariToll
- bazinga777Bangalore, IN
- BertrandNOELCERN
- corneliusl
- dko26Personalyze Ltd.
- fixiecodingLondon
- jmb0z
- kuntojirohanUCD Smurfit Business School
- lishuchenBUPT
- maryamghamdiSaudi Arabia
- miladfa7TVConal
- mingyue2012Tsinghua University
- OSINTAIFreelance
- patjo82000
- riivoTartu, Estonia
- shobeirAmazon
- sidooms
- Tafkas@stripe
- theonesean@pve-llc
- windeye
- xiangwang1223National University of Singapore
- zehsilvaSchool of Applied Mathematics at Getulio Vargas Foundation (EMAP / FGV)