
Add support for new coredb ID entries

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Recently apparently a new field was added to many of the tabs with the Eva labs coreDB ID

We should include this when people are pulling tables

Alright - so the name of the column seems to be CoreDB_Id and it occurs in TAB_Sample, TAB_Extract, TAB_Library and TAB_Capture. Do you know why not in TAB_Sequencing?

Right now it's just read as a string column, which is already fine. But we probably still want to add it to our column reference table.

NA values are just empty strings - and this column has naturally a lot of them. This brings us again to to the question if we should improve our data-types and value parsing system some day (#16, #42).

Nope no clue ..

Good point about empty values. Maybe we should just ask Robert to give us a list of every (relevant) column and what the missing value indicator is?