
New theme options settings derived from Signals Core.

Primary LanguagePHP

A guide to WordPress Theme Utilites

Version 1.0

WordPress Theme Utilites was written to take care of some of the numerous required plugins and hacks that tend to build up in template function files.

This plugin was written by Simon Douglas 2012 -- 2013


  • wptu_get_attachment: gets everything you want for an image.
    For example:

    $image_properties = wptu_get_attachment("post_id={$post_id}&attachment;_id={$image_id}&size;=thumbnail&alt;={$title}&width;={$width}&height;={$height}");

Where $post_id = $post->ID and $attachment_id is the id of the image

The $size parameter will build up the image_tag value, you can just echo that out to your template.

You will get a deep array of image properties thus:

    [post_id] => 262
    [attachment_id] => 263
    [link] => http://www.vancouverfoundationawards.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/13/allison-b/SmallGrantProject.jpg
    [source] => http://www.vancouverfoundationawards.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/13/allison-b/SmallGrantProject-138x108.jpg
    [width] => 138
    [height] => 108
    [image_size] => thumbnail
    [meta_data] => Array
            [width] => 4224
            [height] => 3168
            [hwstring_small] => height='96' width='128'
            [file] => 2011/01/13/allison-b/SmallGrantProject.jpg
            [sizes] => Array
                    [thumbnail] => Array
                            [file] => SmallGrantProject-138x108.jpg
                            [width] => 138
                            [height] => 108

                    [medium] => Array
                            [file] => SmallGrantProject-300x225.jpg
                            [width] => 300
                            [height] => 225

                    [large] => Array
                            [file] => SmallGrantProject-400x300.jpg
                            [width] => 400
                            [height] => 300

                    [news-image] => Array
                            [file] => SmallGrantProject-185x100.jpg
                            [width] => 185
                            [height] => 100


            [image_meta] => Array
                    [aperture] => 2.9
                    [credit] => 
                    [camera] => COOLPIX P6000
                    [caption] => 
                    [created_timestamp] => 
                    [copyright] => 
                    [focal_length] => 6
                    [iso] => 64
                    [shutter_speed] => 0.00215238
                    [title] => 


    [mime] => image/jpeg
    [title] => SmallGrantProject
    [caption] => 
    [alt] => A green transformation
    [description] => 
    [date] => 2011-01-13 00:14:05
    [image_tag] => ![A green transformation](http://www.vancouverfoundationawards.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/13/allison-b/SmallGrantProject-138x108.jpg)
    [filename] => SmallGrantProject-138x108.jpg
    [class] => 

Therefore to get the camera used for example we could go $image_properties['meta_data']['image_meta']['camera'] which would retrieve COOLPIX P6000.

  • wptu_add_post_image: This attaches an image via a hook to the post. It is coupled with wptu_get_attachment as a means to add post images. Parameters must be added through the filter wptu_add_post_image_args
  • **wptu_add_post_image_args: **Filter used to add parameters to _wptu_add_post_image _function.
  • wptu_get_cft_id: retrieves a value between known delimeters. Useful with the CFT plugin.
  • wptu_get_cft_repeating_data: Used with the CFT in side of repeating field sets to get repeating data. Note: Repeating fields in the CFT plugin are useless, so use the Magic Fields Plugin instead.
  • wptu_get_the_browser: gets useful properties of the user browser. This is called automatically and added to the body_class hook. You probably shouldn't have to call it again as it can add considerable time to file execution.
  • wptu_is_descedant: determines if a page is a child(n) of another.
  • $wptu_browser_classes: global registed that contains browser specific classes.

WPTU Admin Panel

Added in version 1.0

WordPress Menu -> Settings -> WordPress Theme Utilites

This is a customisable panel that can be used to store data in the Options Table for your website.

Data is stored as a serialised array so it can be access easily.

Using wptu_plugin_option('field_name') will retrieve the value of the field for you.

General Settings
  • jQuery Version
  • Use Modernizer or not
  • Add body classes to the body_class() function
  • Add extra TinyMCE styles. This still works without TinyMCE Advanced
  • Google Analytics code for the header
Social Media

Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn for your client site

Adding Extra Settings

Add wptu-core-options.php to your theme, then use the provided hooks to add more fields.

An example from WoodWorks

/*Adds A heading to the WordPress Theme Utilites Options Panel - take a look at wptu-settings.php for info...*/
function wptu_core_section_options(){
    $args =  array( 'woodworks' => 'Woodworks Custom Post Types' );
    return $args;
/* Adds a field to the section woodworks */
function wptu_core_section_settings(){

   $args = array('ww_staff_slug' => array( 
                                    'title'=>'Staff Archive Slug',
                                    'desc'=>'This is for breadcrumb functionality. Define the with_front property of the slug',
                                    'type'=>'text', // text,textarea,radio,select
                                    'section'=>'woodworks' )
   return $args;


  • [bloginfo] Returns the shortcodes for bloginfo e.g. [bloginfo key="name"] returns the sitename.
    The WP Codex has values.

  • [admin_email] Returns the admin email in the format bloginfo('name'). No parameters.

  • [email] e.g. [email mailbox="simon" url="wptu.ca" subject="Enquiry From Site" display_text="display text!"].
    This outputs literally:

    <script type="text/javascript">eE=('simon' + '%40' + 'wptu.ca?subject=Enquiry%20From%20Site');eD=('display text!');document.write('' + eD + '');</script>
  • [include]. Does a simple php include. [include file="path_to_file"]. Put your includes in your template directory.

  • [loop]. This is a useful way to drop in post data into a page.

    [loop category='slug_name_or_id' query='anything_you_want_eg_orderby' pagination='true']

Improved in 1.0.13. Now accepts parameters such as taxonomy ( tax="tax_name" ), term="term_name" and loop template.

    // example from woodworks.org
    [loop query="posts_per_page=-1&post;_type=resources&orderby;=date&order;=ASC" tax="resource_type" terms="information-sheets" loop="excerpt-information"]
    // result:
    // Get all posts from the resource post type order by date ascending that have 
    // the term information-sheets ( like a tag )
    // Output the data to template "loop-excerpt-information.php" which is responsible for formatting.

If wp_pagenavi is present, pagination=true will enable it.

Improvements in 1.1

WP PageNavi has slightly changed so this plugin had to be updated. Compatible with WP PageNavi 2.83

Implementation is the same, but there could be bugs with $paged.


This stuff all turns up for free.

  • WPTU Developer Notes added to the dashboard so you can leave notes to you and other developers. Added ()
  • Added warning bar if you are viewing the site locally ( )
  • Added Modinzer support for html5 sites and detecting CSS3.
  • You can place your shortcodes in text widgets and they evalute.
  • Removing WordPress version and fluff in the meta header.
  • jQuery is added automatically from Google.
  • ID's are added to the Media browser, for your convenience. IDs are also added to all Admin tables.
  • ID's are added to the CMS Tree plugin if it is available ( usually is on most WPTU Sites )
  • Various Tinymce clean up filters which run to remove empty spaces and line breaks (the latter could be a problem depending on your setup.)

2013 simondouglas.com.