ALX Low-Level Programming Repository

Welcome to my repository showcasing my journey through the ALX Software Engineering program! Here, you'll find my completed C programming projects demonstrating my grasp of low-level programming concepts and techniques.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive: Covers foundational and advanced C programming topics.
  • Well-Organized: Structured into project folders aligned with ALX course curriculum.
  • Documented: Code includes comments for clarity and understanding.
  • Tested: Functionality verified through rigorous testing practices.

Folder Structure:

  • 0x00-hello_world: Introduction to C syntax and basic output
  • 0x01-variables_if_else_while: Variables, conditional statements, and loops

Getting Started:

  1. Clone: Use git clone to clone this repository.
  2. Navigate: Enter the desired project folder (e.g., cd 0x00-hello_world).
  3. Compile: Use a C compiler (like GCC) to compile: gcc *.c -o main.
  4. Run: Execute the compiled program: ./main. Contribution:

Feedback and contributions are highly appreciated! Submit pull requests for enhancements or corrections.


Feel free to reach out to me on GitHub for any questions or discussions.

Additional Notes:

  • This repository is continuously updated as I progress through the ALX program.
  • The projects adhere to good coding practices and coding style guidelines.
  • Feel free to use these projects as learning resources or references.