G’day! Kinza Kanwal! here Waving

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WHO AM I! 🤔  

I am a passionate Computer Scientist from Pakistan.🤍💚

  • 😋 Currently, working on some projects, will notify timely😊
  • 🤩 Learning FLutter along side Cloud Technology and Webdevelopement😴
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate in open source projects✌
  • 🥅 2020 Goals: Contribute more to Open Source projects. Yay!

Languages and Tools:  

Kinza's GitHub Stats

PS: Top languages does not indicate my skill level or something like that, it's a github metric of which languages i have the most code on github or I'm currently interested in.

📕 Latest Blog Posts

I ❤️ Tech & Design

⚡ Fun fact
“Make it look pretty but train it to kill.” — Allin