
Primary LanguageHTML


Simple Web App For Finding Blood Doner

Follow following steps to make sure the app runs:

  1. It is recommended to create the new environment for each project:(So, create and activate your environment)

virtualenv newenv

source newenv/bin/activate

  1. Do install all the requirements.

pip install -m requirements.txt

  1. Make sure you check the Database section on db.py and also on project.py. And add the configuration for the system:
#On project.py make sure you change the configuration variable(on line 214)
configuration = {
    'POSTGRES_DATABASE_NAME': 'database_name',
    'POSTGRES_DATABASE_USER': 'database_user',
    'POSTGRES_DATABASE_PASSWORD': 'user_password',
    'POSTGRES_HOST': 'localhost'
#On db.py while connecting psycopg2 make sure credentials are from your own database
def create():
  connection = psycopg2.connect(user = "database_user",
                                  password = "user_password",
                                  host = "localhost",
                                  port = "5432",
                                  database = "database_name")

  1. Then first run db.py to create all the necessary tables on the database:

python db.py

  1. Then finally run the server.

python project.py