
Unity support for OpenAI libraries for image and text generation

Primary LanguageC#

OpenAI API Readme

Transform your Unity project into an intelligent, language-aware application with OpenAI Unity Integration. With just a few lines of code, you can integrate OpenAI's powerful text completion and image generationsmodels directly into your Unity project, allowing you to generate natural language text in real time.

Sample Scene
The quickest way to get started is to view the sample scene here: Scene (UnityEngine.SceneAsset)
Project Structure
> OpenAI (UnityEngine.DefaultAsset) Root file location
> docs (UnityEngine.DefaultAsset) More documentation!
> Editor (UnityEngine.DefaultAsset)
> Prefabs (UnityEngine.DefaultAsset) Where we save prefabs used to support this editor window.
    > EditorUtils (UnityEngine.MonoScript) Random useful tools used by other editor scripts.
    > OpenAiApiExampleEditor (UnityEngine.MonoScript) Editor script for OpenAiApiExample
    > OpenAiCredentialsWindow (UnityEngine.MonoScript) Editor window to help with credential setup.
    > OpenAiImageReplaceEditor (UnityEngine.MonoScript) Editor script for OpenAiImageReplace
    > OpenAiTextReplaceEditor (UnityEngine.MonoScript) Editor script for OpenAiTextReplace
    > OpenAiWindow (UnityEngine.MonoScript) Edior window you're probably looking at right now!
> Images (UnityEngine.DefaultAsset) Default location for images generated and default initial save file location.
> Runtime (UnityEngine.DefaultAsset)
    > CoroutineRunner (UnityEngine.MonoScript) Helper for retriving a monobehavior to run co-routines in
    > OpenAiApi (UnityEngine.MonoScript) OpenAI API core interface. Formats and sends requests and parsesresponse
    > OpenAiApiExample (UnityEngine.MonoScript) (MonoHebavior) Example script for simple OpenAiApi usage
    > OpenAiImageReplace (UnityEngine.MonoScript) (MonoHebavior) Simple replacement of text in a unity scene
    > OpenAiTextReplace (UnityEngine.MonoScript) (MonoHebavior) Complex exmaple of image generation and manipulation
    > Utils (UnityEngine.MonoScript) Helpful utils used by other scripts.
> Samples (UnityEngine.DefaultAsset) All files used in the sample scene. 

Also note, these Tiny PHX dependencies imported to support OpenAI API here:
• Readme (UnityEngine.DefaultAsset)
• Shared (UnityEngine.DefaultAsset)

Get Started
• Unity 2021.3 or later
• OpenAI API from Unity Asset Store https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/247238)


1. Create an OpenAI Account
2. Get your Organization ID from the "Settings" page
3. Create an API Key on the API Key page
4. In Unity, open the OpenAI window
    Window > OpenAI
5. Go to the "Credentials" tab and add fields your just retrieved.
6. This will create a file in your users forlder in this format:
7. Add one of the built-in components to your scene:
8. Add the `OpenAiImageReplace` or `OpenAiTextReplace` example components to any GameObject in your scene.
9. Add a prompt and click `Generate Image` or `Generate Text`

Out-of-the-Box Components

OpenAI Unity Asset includes three components for integrating OpenAI APIs into Unity games:
• OpenAiApiExample for both text completion and image generation
• OpenAiImageReplace for replacing sprites with AI-generated images
• OpenAiTextReplace for replacing text objects with AI-generated text.

Scripting Interface

Here's an example of how you can create a text completion request and image generation request in Unity using
the OpenAI Unity Integration:

# Generate Text

## Simple text generation

    using UnityEngine;
    using OpenAi;
    public class SampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
        async void Start() {
            var openai = new OpenAiApi();
            var completion = await openai.CreateCompletion("Hello world");
            Debug.Log("OpenAI Response: " + completion.Text);

## Using a callback instead async/await

    openai.CreateCompletion("Hello world", completion =>
        Debug.Log("OpenAI Response: " + completion.Text);

# Generate Images

## Simple image generation

    using UnityEngine;
    using OpenAi;
    public class SampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
        async void Start() {
            var openai = new OpenAiApi();
            var image = await openai.CreateImage("Hello cat");
            Texture2D texture = image.Texture;

## Using a callback instead async/await

    openai.CreateImage("Hello world", image =>
        Texture2D texture = image.Texture;


A reputable reviewer had this to say about the asset:

"Overall, the code seems to be well-organized and follows good coding practices such as encapsulation and
- ChatGPT

For more information on how to use OpenAI's APIs, refer to the OpenAI documentation
• OpenAI documentation: https://beta.openai.com/docs