Zilkies 19 - FE

Username Setup

  1. Navigate to your root directory using.
cd ~
  1. Create .bash_profile file using the command.
vi .bash_profile
  1. Add the following line substituting ${username} with your folder name. (All lower case and single word)
export ZILKIE_USERNAME=${username}

Eg: ZILKIE_USERNAME=sampleuser

  1. Save the file and source it.
source .bash_profile
  1. Make sure the system variable is set. This should display the username you gave in step 3.

Folder Setup

  1. Navigate to the root directory of the repository and use the following command to create a folder for yourself. Replace ${username} with the value used for $ZILKIE_USERNAME
cp -r sampleuser/ ${username} 

Steps to run the Server

  1. npm install - To install the required dependencies
  2. npm run start - To start the Server. You should now see your base HTML page.

To submit an exercise

  1. Create a separate folder with your exercise name inside your ${username} folder
  2. Create a css folder, a js folder, a pages folder and an index.html file inside it

Once you have completed your exercise and when you commit your code, a linter will run during commit to check for code styling errors. Clear all the errors to commit the code. Happy Coding..Peace.. :)