
Scripts to change wallpaper

Primary LanguagePython


A wallpaper changing script (tested for Windows 10 only).

How to use wallpicky?

  1. Put the image you want to set as your wallpaper in the images/ folder.
  2. Make a new Python file with the same name as the image you put in the images/ folder, in the scripts/ folder with the same content as the other scripts in the folder. (TODO: Create a script to create a new script!)
  3. Schedule the script to be run on the Task Scheduler app on Windows 10.

Example usage

Let's say you have an image called afternoon.png (can be any valid image format used by Windows 10 for wallpapers). Put this image in the images/ folder and make a new script caled scripts/afternoon.py with the following content:

import struct
import ctypes
import sys
from pathlib import Path

file_name = Path(__file__).stem

PATH = f"C:\\Users\\sidtr\\Documents\\PythonProjects\\wallpicky\\images\\{file_name}.png"

def is_64bit_windows():
    """Check if 64 bit Windows OS"""
    return struct.calcsize('P') * 8 == 64

def changeBG(path):
    """Change background depending on bit size"""
    ctypes.windll.user32.SystemParametersInfoW(20, 0, path, 3)


Schedule this script in Task Scheduler and it should work like a breeze.