- There is a general time table, Monday to Sunday
- It is followed when the CRs create no date-specific time table for the day
- Accessed only by Class Representatives
- Each date can have a particular time table in cases like the prof is absent, the day is a holiday etc.
- classroomID
- day: [monday - sunday]
- courses: Array<{startsAt: "HH:MM", endsAt: "HH:MM", courseCode}>
- classroomID
- date: "YYYY-MM-DD"
- courses: Array<{startsAt: "HH:MM", endsAt: "HH:MM", courseCode}>
For elective courses and others. Under construction.
- courseCode: String - like MAIR12
- courseName
- classroomID: 8 char length string (ID)
- departmentCode: String
- section: String
- courses: Array
- classroomRepresentatives: Array
- students: Array
- oddOrEvenSemester: "odd"|"even"
- batchYear
- year
- departmentCode: EEE, CSE etc. (ID)
- name: String
- studentID: String (ID)
- name: String
- phoneNumber: String
- studentID: String
- date: "YYYY-MM-DD"
- courses: Array