
CLI to quickly compress files using Brotli Compression algorithm.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A lightweight CLI to quickly compress files using Brotli Compression algorithm.

npx brrr file.txt


Install the brrr package using npm or yarn.

npm install --global brrr

# or, if you like yarn more:
yarn global add brrr

# or, use npx for one-off runs:
npx brrr [SEE USAGE BELOW]


Above will install brrr as a command line utility.

# compress file.txt and write output to file.txt.br
$ brrr file.txt

# compress all JS files in current directory and write output in OUT directory
$ brrr *.js -o OUT

# Use with pipes
$ brrr --stdin < INPUT > OUTPUT
$ cat INPUT.txt | brrr --stdin > OUTPUT
$ brrr input.txt --stdout

# Compress all files in a directory
$ find INPUT_DIR -type f | xargs brrr -o OUT_DIR

You can replace brrr above with brotli to sound more professional (or if miss a few r in previous command — finding a good package name is difficult). That is, the following also works just as fine:

$ brotli file.txt

Run brotli -h or see help.md for details.
