
A simple Particle library for the GP20U7 GPS unit

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

GP20U7 GPS Library

A very simple library for interfacing with the GP-20U7 GPS unit. Supports the P1, Core, Photon, and Electron devices.

Hardware Connection

Connect the power pins on the GP-20U7 to the 3.3V and GND connections on your particle device. Connect the TX pin of the unit to the RX pin on your particle board.


Include the GP20U7_PARTICLE library in your Web IDE project.





Method Description
begin Called in the setup() function to initialize the gps and prepare the associated stream
read Called repeated in the loop() function to check for new location information. Returns true if new position information is available. False otherwise.
getGeolocation Returns the currently stored geolocation information.


// include the library code:
#include "gp20u7_particle/gp20u7_particle.h"

// initialize the library with the serial port to which the device is
// connected
GP20U7 gps = GP20U7(Serial1);

// Set up a Geolocation variable to track your current Location
Geolocation currentLocation;

void setup() {
  // Start the GPS module. You don't need to call setup() on the serial
  // object as this is taken care of for you

void loop() {
  // The call to read() checks for new location information and returns 1
  // if new data is available and 0 if it isn't. It should be called
  // repeatedly.
    currentLocation = gps.getGeolocation();
    // do something with the new geolocation information