
A knockoff of the CommandPi iOS app created with ExpressJS, AngularJS and Bootstrap.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PiMonitor Overview

PiMonitor is a rapidly-developed knockoff of CommandPi, an iOS app for monitoring CPU usage, memory usage, and internal temperature of your Raspberry Pi. It was created in realtime for episode #16 of µCasts and showcases how you can combine the Raspberry Pi, NodeJS, AngularJS, and Bootstrap to quickly create a project prototype.

How to Use It

You can watch the µCast episode to see the program developed but if you just want to grab the source code and start messing around you can clone this repository right on the Raspberry Pi.

Once the repo is present you need to ensure you have NodeJS installed. You can test this by running:

node --version

If it is not installed I've found the easiest way to get it is by following the instructions found at http://revryl.com/2014/01/04/nodejs-raspberry-pi/.

With NodeJS and NPM installed you need to install the dependencies by running the following command from within the pimonitor folder:

npm install

This can take several minutes on the Pi depending on connection speed. Once finished you can start the PiMonitor server running on port 3000 with the command:

node bin/www

Following Along

If you wish to follow along in the video and create the project from scratch you will need one additional dependency and that's the ExpressJS generator which can be installed from the command line (after NodeJS and NPM are installed) with:

sudo npm install -g express-generator

Adding Features

If you want to enhance your monitor to report on more items like disk space or even external sensors you have a couple of options.

  1. Add additional return data to the update function in pinode_stats.js
  2. Create a new route in Express following the same pattern as the /stats route and call that route from the AngularJS code


If you have any questions or get stuck I'm happy to help. My current contact information can be found in my profile.