A script to add your TransIP domain renewal dates to your Apple Calender.
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This program is a must have for domain traders. This program retrieves the data from your domains via TransIP API. Including the renewal dates. Because a merchant often forgets to cancel a domain before the expiry of the period, it would be useful if these dates are recorded in your calendar. So that you receive a timely reminder whether you want to renew or terminate a domain This script saves all dates in your calendar and sets a default notification 14 days before the renewal date of your domain
Here's why:
- Because all the data is collected by the TransIP API you always have the correct data.
- Never forget to cancel a domain, this includes also a cancel script, so for quick cancelling from your computer
- Create a new agenda twice a year , and have always up to date calendar items
- Have the calendar items on all your devices trough Apple's Icloud ( script is for OSX )
Anyways a good script for domain traders , but it can also applied on other services with api ( you need to change one or two things ). For a small price i will be available for that.
This script is build with Bash, Python and Applescript.
This are the instructions to start using the script.
- Apple Computer with OSX
- Terminal access
- Python installed
- jq installed ( Commandline JSON Processor )
- TransIP API access
Follow steps below.
Clone the repo
cd ~ git clone https://github.com/siekman-io/domainreminder.git
Set Api key in a file in your ~/.ssh folder and save it with <ctrl - x>
nano ~/.ssh/transip
Create a seperate calender in your program on menu / archive / new calender > icloud and name this
Change CALNAME= in the variable to the name of your new calender and save with <ctrl - x>
nano ~/domainreminder/vars
now you are ready to run the script
for a more detailed description please visit my website [siekman.io detailed post]
You can start the script to import all your domains and import it to your calender.
- Execute your script
cd ~/domainreminder chmod +x domainreminder.sh chmod +x cancel.sh ./domainreminder.sh
Now you see in the calender all your domains 14 days before cancelling date. In the notes of the appointment you see also the command you can execute to cancel a domain.
- cancelscript
~/domainreminder/cancel.sh <domainname you want to end>
- Twitter - @JoukeSiekman
- LinkedIN - LinkedIn
- Mail me: - [info@siekman.io]
Project Link: https://github.com/siekman-io/domainreminder
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