Generates dot (graphviz) document from code documentation comments like JSDoc, JavaDoc, PHPDoc
yarn global add dot2doc
# or
npm -g i dot2doc
dot2doc './test/**/*.js'
dot2doc './test/**/*.js' >
Raw DOT entry
@dot nodeA -> nodeB
DOT node type
@dot-type MyNode [color=red]
@dot {MyNode} nodeA
will result with
nodeA [color=red]
All of type rule
@dot-type MyNode [color=red]
@dot {MyNode} nodeA
@dot-rule MyNode -> foo
will result with
nodeA [color=red]
nodeA -> foo
Define cluster
@dot-subgraph Name style=whatever;color=other
@dot-rule foo in A
@dot-rule {Any} in A
@dot {Any} B
will result in
subgraph clusterName { style=whatever;color=other A B }
* @name abc
* @param a
* @param b
* @dot tester -> noop
* @dot {ClassA} tester
* @dot-type ClassA [color=blue]
function tester(a, b) {
* @dot {RelationB} noop -> tester
* @dot-type RelationB [shape=arrow]
// @dot noop -> boop
* @dot-rule ClassA <- foop
* @dot-rule ClassA -> boop
* @dot-rule ClassA eachIn A
* @dot-rule foop in A
* @dot-subgraph A style=filled;color=gray;
digraph G {
graph [rankdir=LR, fontsize=10, margin=0.001];
subgraph clusterA { style=filled;color=gray; foop tester }
tester -> noop
tester [color=blue]
tester -> boop
foop -> tester
noop -> tester [shape=arrow]
noop -> boop
{ rank="max"; e; }