
Collections of Cinema and Media Music: guide to archival collections of film and media music

Primary LanguageRuby

C2M2: Collections of Cinema and Media Music

A guide to archival collections of film and media music created by Sienna M. Wood, Ph.D., software engineer and musicologist, and Michael W. Harris, Ph.D., librarian, archivist, and musicologist. See the ongoing project at http://www.c2m2.org.


This project consists of a Ruby on Rails back-end serving a GraphQL endpoint, and a React front-end with the Apollo client. The database is Postgres. To run on your local machine, ensure that you have the correct versions of Ruby and Node installed (see /client/package.json and Gemfile to determine these versions), and install and start Postgres. If running which yarn returns nothing, run npm install -g yarn to install yarn globally. Then, run the following commands:

// copy code to your computer
git clone https://github.com/siennamw/c2m2.git

// install Ruby dependencies
cd c2m2

// install JavaSript dependencies
cd client

// set up database
cd ..
bin/rake db:reset

// run
bin/rake start

The Rails server will run on http://localhost:3000/ (GraphiQL will be available at http://localhost:3000/graphiql). The React app will run on http://localhost:3001/.

Run Tests

From the root of the app, run

bin/rake test


This project is set up to be deployed to Heroku. In production there is only one server. The React app is built, then the build is moved to /public where it is served up by the Rails server in addition to the GraphQL endpoint.