
assembler class

Primary LanguageAssembly

                    A S S E M B L E R    R E P O S I T O R Y
                    Which consists of all my work during the classes.
                    At this time, it has only printing numbers in 
                    binary, octal, hexadecimal and decimal to stdout.
                    batch.bat script to assemble and link to .com
		exe.bat   script to assemble and link to .exe

                    bin1.asm  prints ax in binary form 
                    oct1.asm  prints ax in octal form
		hex1.asm  prints ax in hex form
		deci.asm  prints ax in decimal form
		napis.asm prints a string (puts in C)
                  	debe.asm  prints a number in hex, defined in DB 

                    asm is fun