
Slack bot written in Ruby to communicate with CartMaker app to make Piotr i Paweł shopping available from slack!

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Cartbotsy, yo!

Slack bot written in Ruby, gem for Rails app Cart Maker to make shopping in Piotr i Paweł more easy!



Configure your slack team and get API token and outgoing webhook in order to get cartbotsy to work properly.

Rails app

Add cartbotsy to your Gemfile

gem 'cartbotsy', git: 'https://github.com/siepet/cartbotsy'

Then make a initializer file:

# app/config/initializers/cartbotsy.rb
Cartbotsy.configure do |config|
  config.api_token          = 'api_token'
  config.webhook_token      = 'webhook_token'
  config.app_url            = 'app_url'
  config.available_cities   = 'available_cities'

api_token - required, token from slack to make it possible to post to slack channels

webhook_token - required, webhook token to make slack call your bot when matching trigger word

app_url - required, address to your application so cartbotsy can make API call

available_cities - required, an array of cities that can use cartbotsy


When ready to run cartbotsy, just type:

$ rake cartbotsy:work

It should start worker and wait for hooks from slack when trigger word appears in any of the channels.


License can be found in LICENSE file.


Fork & edit & pull request.