A dynamic web application for musical theatre lovers who want to receive personalized recommendations based on the type of musicals they listen to. Work In Progress
- User can submit their preferred genres and musical styles in the form of a questionnaire
- User can view their recommendations
- User can search for a musical
- User can filter through musicals
- User can view details of a musical
- User can view related musicals
- User can like a musical
- User can add a musical to a collection
- User can view all of their collections
- User can delete a collection
- User can delete a musical from a collection
- User can view details about a collection
- User can suggest a musical
- React.js
- Node.js
- Express
- PostgreSQL
- CSS3
- Clone the repo and navigate to the directory
cd broadwaybeats
Install all dependencies
npm install
Start your PostgreSQL server
sudo service postgresql start
Import existing database
npm run db:import
Compile project
npm run dev
Access application by entering https://localhost:3000 in the browser
- Building a full-stack application in a solo environment
- Creating complex SQL queries in order to perform filtering and recommendation
- Reusing React components to take in different callback functions