Timerino is a programmable darkroom enlarger timer built upon an Arduino microcontroller. Currently it has linear and geometric (f/stop) exposure functions.
Currently supports 2 models which differs only in the display:
- DL-series has a 7-Segment 4-number LCD display and a 10-led bar
- CMG-series has a 16x2 matrix LCD display
Timerino is made by Daniele Lucarelli and Ciro Mattia Gonano.
It's developed after Daniele Lucarelli's version on
If you have some problems using Timerino please file an issue here.
If you can fix an open issue, fork & make a pull request.
Your grocery list to build Timerino is:
- Arduino UNO/Duemilanove
- a power supply transformer 12V 1A
- a case
- 4x4 keypad
- buzzer
- pushbutton
- female 1/4" jack and pedal (optional)
- 220V relay
- 2 toggle switch
- a 10K resistor
- a 330 resistor
Model DL002A specific components:
- 7-Segment 4 number serial LCD display
- Grove LED Bar
Model CMG001A specific components
- 16x2 matrix LCD display
- 1 or 2 potentiometers
Follow the appropriate schema for your chosen model (Fritzing and JPEGs included) to wire up the circuit.
To build this sketch you need, besides core libraries, the Keypad.h library: http://playground.arduino.cc/code/Keypad
Copyright (c) 2013 Daniele Lucarelli and Ciro Mattia Gonano.
Timerino is released under ISC LICENSE; see LICENSE.txt for further details.