A PythonTk GUI program to pull phone reports from Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM).
Tested using Python 3.8.18 (Issues with Tkinter on version 3.9 and above)
- rm -rf build dist myenv
- rm -rf build dist
- rmdir /s /q build dist
pyenv virtualenv 3.8.18 myenv
pyenv activate myenv
pip install --upgrade pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
py -m venv myenv
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- nano myenv/pyvenv.cfg
- include-system-site-packages = true
- Control-O, Control-X, y
- pyinstaller main.spec --noconfirm
- python win_setup.py bdist_msi
cp dmgpackage.command dist/dmgpackage.command
cp background.png dist/background.png
cd dist
chmod +x dmgpackage.command
sh dmgpackage.command
rm -rf ./*.app
rm -rf ./*.png
rm -rf ./*.command
rm -rf Phone\ Report\ Tool
- ./dist/Phone\ Report\ Tool.app/Contents/MacOS/Phone\ Report\ Tool
- Add export/import of accounts (https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-encrypt-and-decrypt-strings-in-python/)
If you would like to support my work and the time I put in creating the code, you can click the image below to get me a coffee. I would really appreciate it (but is not required).