
Incredibly descriptive audiovisual summaries for videos

Primary LanguagePython


Describe is an app that generates customizable audiovisual descriptions of videos. It uses a combination of visual language models (VLMs) and language models (LMs) to generate a summary of the video content. The app is designed to be highly customizable, allowing users to control the level of visual detail, conciseness, and the influence of spoken context on the final summary.

Quick Demo

To run this on your own videos quickly, check out the app on Sieve here. Below is a quick example output of an interview with Boris Johnson:

In this video, a blonde man in a blue Xchanging shirt, accompanied by another person in similar attire, engages with the press outdoors. As the reporters incessantly question him about his regrets regarding earlier comments, he deflects by offering tea, emphasizing the gesture's humanitarian nature and expressing sympathy for the reporters' long wait. Despite repeated inquiries, he maintains a polite demeanor, focusing on the act of offering tea rather than providing direct answers. The visual content captures this exchange against an outdoor backdrop, highlighting the interaction's dynamic and the man's approach in handling the situation.


Note: This app uses functions that run on the Sieve platform. You will need a Sieve account to use this. However, all the logic is open-source and pretty simple to replicate in your own environment as well. The functions used are:

Summaries are generated using GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 by OpenAI. GPT-3.5 is used to combine visual information across a single "chunk" (1 minute of content) as well as to generate a brief transcriptional summary of that chunk. Then, GPT-4 is used to combine all of the information across the chunks to create the final summary.

In order to use the app in your account, you will need to add an OPENAI_API_KEY secret in your Sieve account settings.

Presets and their influence

The app contains 3 presets for conciseness and visual_detail as well as a boolean for spoken_context.

Visual Detail

This preset influences how much visual detail is present in the final summary by using different VLMs depending on the preset.

  • low uses MoonDream - a lightweight and very fast VLM that is ideal for scenarios that don't require too much visual information. This is the fastest in terms of response time but not very high in detail
  • medium uses InternLM-X - a SOTA VLM that outperforms GPT4v in many benchmarks. This is the 4bit quantized version and falls in between the other two in terms of speed and detail.
  • high uses CogVLM - a very rich and detailed VLM that uses a full sized LLM with it to generate captions, making it capable of highly detailed captions. This is the slowest in terms of response time but high in detail.

The default is medium.


This preset influences how verbose or concise the final summary should be by prompting GPT3.5 and GPT4 with constraints on things like length and finer detail.

  • concise mode tries to keep the summary to ~100 words and is the slimmest in terms of the output
  • medium mode tries to keep the summary to ~250 words
  • detailed mode tries to keep the summary to at most ~500 words and is the most verbose

The default is concise.

Spoken Context

This option dictates the usage of the speech in the video to influence the final summary. If set to False, the summary will be generated based on only the visuals seen across the video. If set to True, GPT3.5 will be used first to create shorter summaries which will then be combined at the end to create the final summary.