
These are some useful guides for Kubernetes and Docker. The files are not complete yet but are in a good state for a beginner.


Hello there,

This is a tutorial about the K8s and Docker.

In these files you can find:

  • How to build your local Kubernetes cluster at your lab.
  • Commands to admin your cluster / play around with a cluster environment etc.
  • Informations about all of the commands you will use.
  • Some useful tips you may need.
  • Some YAML files examples.



  1. Set up an Kubernetes Custer.
  2. Docker Commands
  3. Rollout Commands

2.Kubernetes Objects:

  1. Pods
  2. Replicas
  3. Deployments
  4. Namespaces

3.YAML files:

  1. Pod
  2. Replicaset
  3. Services
  4. Deployment

The files are not complete yet but are in a good state for a beginner.